
August 24, 2020

Affirmation When You Need A Break

If you need a reminder, here it is.


It’s okay to take a break.

Life can be overwhelming at times. For some reason, we seem to put a huge pressure on ourselves to do things a certain way and by a certain time. I know for myself, I do this all the time. I have to consciously tell myself to take a break, take it easy, and relax. It’s easy to get wrapped up in things. It’s even harder to find that break when hard things are happening in your life.

It’s great to have goals but some days you can’t be 100% working towards your goal because you need to work on yourself for a second. Sometimes the best way to care for your body and soul is to do nothing. I use this affirmation before bed because I will not go to bed with any guilty feelings of “not doing enough today”.

I hope this affirmation finds you well. Check out my other affirmations here. Thank you for visiting The Sierra Guide, the guide to feeding your body and soul.


Summer Sierra

Affirmation on Taking A Break

Daily Affirmations At Your Fingertips