
December 29, 2021

Ending the Year Strong

Society makes us believe that if we don’t get the fancy promotion or struggle with a personal loss, then the whole year was awful. As much as 2021 was another crazy year for the world, every year has its problems and every year has its positive moments. It would be a shame for you to label an entire year “bad” when, even through the struggles, you still experienced moments of joy and were strong enough to keep going. 

Ending the year strong means finding gratitude in all the little moments despite everything. You made it through and you should be proud of yourself. 

Think about where you were a year ago? Maybe it feels like you are in the same place? Know that you aren’t. So often we think that our life changes aren’t that meaningful. Talk to a friend or family member and go through all the little wins they’ve had. Sometimes it’s nice to get another person’s perspective on your life. 

Here are some examples of things you may not think are very meaningful but actually are something you should be proud of yourself for. 

  • Leaving a job you hate
  • Getting a new job you love
  • Leaving a spouse/significant that wasn’t for you
  • Remaining in a healthy relationship
  • Living your daily life despite an illness
  • Choosing to start taking a new medication to help yourself
  • Attempting to be healthy physically despite everything
  • Coping in healthy ways
  • A loved one passing away and continuing to live life despite everything
  • Making it through an accident and healing
  • Not giving up on yourself despite depressive or anxious thoughts/feelings
  • Moving in or out of your place!
  • Raising kids (shoutout to all moms in 2021)
  • Listening to yourself and your personal needs
  • Setting emotional boundaries
  • Learning a new hobby
  • Overcoming lifelong habits and learning from them
  • Adopting an animal
  • Traveling or giving yourself a well-needed break. 
  • Doing something you’ve put off for years
  • Helping family or friends in need
  • Going to therapy

You should feel proud of never giving up on yourself. No year is perfect and neither are you. You worked hard, you were strong, and you should feel gratitude within yourself moving into next year.

Another great way to find remind yourself of the good moments of the past year is by going through your photo album on your phone. Little moments are captured and can remind you of happy coffee dates, a delicious meal, or even a beautiful sunset you were able to experience. 

Ending the year strong means finding gratitude in all the little moments despite everything.

How Can You Learn From This Year?

Through this mindful reflection, you can also gather the life lessons you made and think about how you want to use them in the coming year. Whether that’s learning to stop self-sabotaging your success, practicing self-love more, fighting imperfections, or understanding your ego on a deeper level. Being mindful in this way can help you find focus moving into the upcoming year. Focusing on things that guide you to be happier, healthier, and find more inner peace. 

Planning For Next Year

Everyone wants to experience a more joyful, meaningful life. Doing that takes work and mindfulness. Creating goals for the new year is a great way to get on the right path. The goals don’t have to be the stereotypical new year’s resolutions of losing twenty pounds or going for daily runs. It can be focused on emotional changes or making small lifestyle changes that could lead to bigger things. Or it could be losing twenty pounds if that’s what you want to do. It could be a financial goal or deciding to work up the courage to leave a job. If you want to get organized for the new year, you can follow our guide on creating goals for the new year with our Guide to Creating Goals for the New Year. 

Daily Affirmations At Your Fingertips