
February 1, 2021

Daily Affirmations For Women

the sierra guide daily affirmations

Happy February! I hope the first month of the year treated you well. I just finished wrapping up the daily affirmations for January that you can find here and I’m excited to begin writing for February. I’ve always liked February because it’s one of the last winter months here in Michigan and means Spring is on its way. We also celebrate Black History Month in February. I’m looking forward to highlighting black women who have inspired me to write in my daily affirmations this month.

We also have Valentine’s Day this month which I’ve always loved single or not. It’s a day full of love and whether you are in a romantic relationship or not, we can celebrate all the love in all of our relationships which I think is special.

Finally, on January 30th, Mercury went into retrograde until February 21st so I have a feeling I will be writing a lot of grounding affirmations this month. It’s not all bad though, Mercury Retrograding gives us time to look within and gain a new perspective on how things are going in our lives.

I hope you enjoy my daily affirmations for February and I thank you for stopping by The Sierra Guide.


A positive statement is used to help you overcome negative thoughts and ideas. The message is usually written in the first person and can be long or short sentences. The purpose of affirmations is to develop a habit of positive thinking and self-empowerment.


Affirmations can help you change your mindset on a difficult idea or situation. They can increase self-esteem, gratitude, and help you overcome loss for example. With all the distractions of the world, affirmations help you remind yourself daily of what is your priority in your personal healing journey.


Affirmations can be used in various ways but the important part is to continuously do them. It’s like working out! One workout will make you feel good but it won’t change your body. You can practice affirmations by reading them out loud, writing them down, or simply having them saved as your lock screen. Interacting with affirmations daily on the topic you choose will improve your life for the better. My recommendation is to get creative with where you feel you will best use them. An example would be to write an affirmation down on a sticky note and hang it on your mirror. Say it every day for a week and then create a new one the following week. It’s all about you.

Daily Affirmations For Women

You can follow me on Instagram at @thesierraguide to see these right when they are posted.



Daily Affirmations At Your Fingertips