
April 5, 2020

How Loving Yourself Changes The Way You Eat

I am the first one to admit that I’m not the face of health. I am no Gwyneth Paltrow, no Instagram fitness model, and none of that. I love chocolate, pasta, and basically anything deep-fried. Although, over the years I’ve learned how eating well can change your life.

Recently, I was talking with an old friend and she was telling me how she’s been eating “healthy” lately. I’ve known her forever and she’s always preferred junk food and fast food. After moving and starting a happy and healthy relationship she soon started to look at food differently. She wasn’t trying to lose weight, she just wanted to find foods that would actually nourish her body.

“Summer, I ate Quinoa for the first time the other day?!?! And it was good!” She said.

This was shocking to hear, to be frank. Normally, I only got updates about the new “Extra Toasty Cheez-Its” or Taco Bell’s new burrito that just came out. 

When I asked her what had changed and she said she realized she wanted to take care of her body because she finally learned to love herself.

Eating well isn’t about staying skinny, it’s about the love you have for yourself.

When you really care about yourself, you begin to care about what you’re putting into your body. It has nothing to do with the size you are or losing weight, loving yourself means taking care of yourself. When you eat what your body wants, you are showing your body kindness.

I was just like my friend once. Eating whatever I felt like, not realizing how my moods and sleep patterns were being affected by the food. Even now, when my mental health isn’t the best, I still struggle and go back to those old patterns. It’s always once I remind myself that I am worthy of happiness and feeling good on the inside and the outside. I stop judging myself and I start loving myself instead.

When you begin to love yourself and understand the amazing thing that is YOU, you begin to look forward to the tomorrow of life. My friend said when she began to eat well, she began to have more energy which made her start going out of her way to visit friends again. Eating well doesn’t have to be switching to green juice and tofu, it’s about getting into alignment with yourself and you’re worth.

How Eating Well Changes Your Life

How Eating Well Changes Your Life

Daily Affirmations At Your Fingertips