
January 27, 2020

How I Found My Potential

I didn’t find my potential overnight. I didn’t have this big life tragedy and then overcome it and come here to tell you how you can too!! It wasn’t that easy. Life is complicated. Sometimes the tragedy doesn’t end but instead, you learn to live with it. You have to decide what kind of life you want to live and that’s not easy. 

Thankfully, the universe will give you a nudge sometimes. 

My nudge was during my senior year of high school when a teacher told me she didn’t think I could handle going away to college. From a teacher’s standpoint, I shouldn’t have been able to handle the academics so I kind of don’t fully blame her.  At this point in life, I had lost all hope for myself. I had zero plans for the future, hated myself, and my self-esteem was practically on the floor. I was really depressed and hadn’t processed a lot that was going on around me and going on inside my head.

That teacher gave me a wake-up call. I felt deep, deep down that I knew I was meant for more. I knew I had a lot of potentials but I wasn’t sure where to find it.

I began asking a lot of questions, I mean a lot. I asked questions, then some more, and just when people were getting annoyed I asked some more. I found joy in living a healthy lifestyle and began taking care of myself too.

I became passionate about the unknown potential I knew I had. That I now know, everyone has!

How I Found My Potential
One of my favorite poems by Morgan Harper Nichols

I started to heal from my pain from before and find answers. When most college students were making plans for the weekend, I was researching self-love techniques Oprah had been discussing on her latest episode of Super Soul Sunday. I dove deep into “self-help” authors. I noticed that they all had one thing in common…. they were old! 

Okay, I’m half kidding, forty years old isn’t old at all but my point is they were well into their lives. Most of them had a big life event happen or they finally quit their job and followed their passion. 

I didn’t want to wait that long. I didn’t want to go my whole life with a heavy heart and not do what I loved. Life is going to throw more curveballs at me, I’m not totally naive, I’d just rather have some padding when that time comes. 

I went on to graduate in four years from Central Michigan University with three internships on my resume and a full-time offer at before graduation from a Fortune 500 company. 

How I Found My Potential

When I found my potential, I found success. 

I want to try my best to live a life I love NOW. Today, not tomorrow or next week. I didn’t find any magical answers that explain everything about life. Instead, I found my worth and the potential in myself to get through anything that comes my way. 

the sierra guide affirmation

How I Found My Potential

Daily Affirmations At Your Fingertips