
December 18, 2019

How to Find Friends in College

College can be difficult for a million reasons but learning How to Find Friends in College can be extra hard. But it doesn’t have to be. Learning how to find friends in college is easier than you think. Everyone deserves a great college experience, here are my tips for finding your friend group!

1.) Be yourself! I went into college and acted the way I thought I should act to fit in. This went nowhere and I quickly realized the friends I was making were people I didn’t really like. If you want to make good friends, be authentically yourself and others will attract alike.

2.) Say yes to events! I met so many of my friends this way! Two months into my freshman year, my not so close roommate at the time invited to a school event I kinda thought was lame but I had nothing else going on so I went anyway. I ended up meeting her friend group from class and making friends I still speak to now. Even if you think you don’t like something you never know. Attend that informational meeting for Greek Life. You never know what might come out of it

3.) Similar to #2 but join things! Go work on campus! Join a club! Get involved in your major and the events they have. 

4.) Introduce yourself! If you meet someone at an event or party, don’t be afraid to interject the conversation and say your name and ask theirs. 

5.) Volunteer in things you’re passionate about! You are guaranteed to find people like yourself in these situations.

6.) Talk with people on your floor if you are in the dorms! Invite people to sit with you in the cafe and alike. It will show that you are open to things and you’ll likely get invited to other things. 

7.) Look for people in your classes that seem like your kinda person and start sitting by them. Sound a little creepy but you can start making casual conversations with them that way. I made a lot of my major friends from this. This is also a good way to make study buddies. 

8.) Social media. Okay, hear me out. We stalk the cute boys we like or meet and figure out everything about them before we go talk to them… right? Well, do it with friends too. A lot of people in my dorm appeared on my recommended when I moved in freshman year and so I started following people. Even if I had talked to them just a few times it was a good tool to see if we had anything in common. I have friends now that I openly admitted to seeing their instagrams before we actually met. #noshame.

9.) Don’t leave every weekend! Weekends are when friends are made! If you were this gal and are now looking for friends, don’t be afraid to ask a group of girls in the cafe if you can sit with them. If they are nice enough to be your friends, they should be kind to you in this situation!

10.) Work! Not only will you make money but you’ll also make some pals who may not even go to your college and that’s okay. The townies know all the cool spots around anyway. (And they know local doctors/gynos and you may need this information lol)

How to Find Friends in College

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