
March 26, 2020

How to Live Alone

Living alone is amazing. I’ve been doing it for a year and don’t regret it. How to Live Alone was one of the first things I googled when I moved in. I wanted all the tips so I could thrive living alone. I want you to thrive too so I decided to let out my thoughts so others can thrive too.

Sometimes I miss having roommates but coming home to a place that’s all yours is the best. You have so much freedom and if you’re like me and like to come and go whenever this is perfect for you. I can have guests over whenever and don’t have to check with anyone. 

It’s definitely an adjustment though. I think this guide will help you adjust well and let you thrive in your new home that much faster.

How to Live Alone

You have a space that is all yours, this rarely happens in life so take advantage! Decorate the place and make it your own. For me, I knew I needed lots of light and color so I got an apartment for myself with LOTS of windows and then I painted one of the main walls peach (don’t tell my landlord). Don’t rush to decorate your apartment (especially if that means spending lots of money) but do start adding in personal pieces so it feels more like your space. 


I am the first one to say I’m lazy about picking up my own space, just ask my college roommates. Although, I like my spaces clean. There’s a difference! When you live alone no one will pick up after you so this is where intrinsic motivation comes in. You need to want to clean your home. Sure, no one likes doing dishes but I love the feeling when my kitchen is all clean so I use that to motivate me. Most days I try to pick up my stuff for at least ten minutes but Thursdays or Monday’s I really try to clean up everything. It’s good to pick a day and devote it to making sure your house is in order. 

Self Care 

I don’t mean a bubble bath but that is nice to do too when you live alone. What I mean for Self Care is to not spend all weekend in bed, not showering, eating potato chips, and binge-watching tik toks without any human contact besides the postmates delivery guy. This is where life can go downhill fast. It’s normal to do it a night or two but getting into this habitat of not talking to people and not taking care of yourself can spiral before you know it. It’s easy to let your routines go when you live alone but it’s also the best time to create a routine with no distraction! Even if I’m feeling lazier than ever I try to still do one nice thing for myself every day. 

Leave Your House 

Like I said above, you need to have human contact to stay sane. I don’t just mean work either. Seriously leave your house and do something! Go do something by yourself or go get dinner with a friend. If your family lives close, go see them. I plan out “socializing” weeks ahead of time so I don’t get stuck not talking to anyone for more than a week. Even just running errands or going to the same yoga studio where you see familiar people is great. 

Buy Healthy Food 

Maybe you have self-control when it comes to snacks but I don’t. I eat pretty healthily because it makes me feel good although my self-control with junk food is pretty low. I try not to buy too many snacks for my apartment because no one else will eat them except you. This can be a good thing (no more roommates stealing your goog snacks!). It also can lead you to overeat because no one’s around to see. Keeping my kitchen stocked with healthy snacks keeps me happy and healthy! 

Get Stuff Done

Use the time you have alone to get things done you’ve always wanted to get done. I love to spend time reading and writing. It’s nice to have time to cook or work out on your own time with no distractions. I love having extra time, especially after a long workday to have some time to myself on things I want to do.

Be a Good Host 

Like I said before you need to socialize!! Make sure you’re ready to have guests because people love going to the friend that doesn’t have annoying roommates! I live far from most of my friends and since I live in a city near an airport I have friends or family come stay with me often. Having extra sheets, pillowcases, and bath towels is a must. I keep a cute tote in my closet with extra things for guests which has made my life soooo much easier in case I didn’t do laundry. I also recommend having enough glasses for guests. I currently have enough cocktail glasses for a couple of guests but I’m looking for the perfect wine glass set because I keep finding myself needing those the most. 

I hope you choose to live alone at least once in your life! It’s an amazing experience and I don’t regret it at all. If you have more ideas that have helped you living alone please comment down below, I would love to hear them!

Read Next: Should You Live Alone?


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How to Live Alone

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