
January 25, 2021

How To Use Scripting To Manifest What You Want

Interested in setting goals and making them happen in 2021? One of my favorite ways to not only stay focused on my goals but see them achieved is through scripting.


What is scripting? It’s a tool used in the Law of Attraction to help people manifest their goals through writing. Most people think Law of Attraction or Manifesting is a bunch of mumbo jumbo. A common stereotype is that it’s about wishing for things then hoping the universe just magically brings it to you. I mean it kind of is but it also takes hard work and becoming the person ready to receive that goal/present/person/job, etc.

A study done at the Dominican University in California found that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down on a regular basis.

When you use scripting to reach your goals, you are actively journaling and writing down the goals you have AS IF you already have them. For example, you want a new job. You write down, “I just received an offer at an amazing company with a thoughtful boss, great benefits, and a $75,000 salary. I’m signing the offer letter right now!”

Here comes the hard part

Don’t doubt your goals. Don’t sit around wondering who will hire you or if you’ll have to negotiate for the salary. Stop worrying about if you’ll ever be able to leave your current position.

When you write down your goals you must trust not only in the universe but yourself. Believe that you can make it happen and if you don’t believe, become the person who is ready to get that new job. Update your LinkedIn, get new training, talk to more people in the industry to learn more. Obviously, if you are a hairstylist looking to become a doctor you will have to shift your scripting to bring you opportunities such as getting into medical school.

Start going to work with a positive attitude and be the person you want to be at your next company. At the end of every day, create a list of things you did at work well and feel gratitude for your little accomplishments. (This could be done in your head while driving or on a walk too.) Practicing gratitude is huge during this time. While waiting for your new goal, remind yourself of everything you can be grateful for in your current situation. Continue writing down and scripting that same goal. Add extra details to the story like, “I am so grateful for my new job. It came to me easily and quickly. I love that I have three weeks of PTO.”

When I script I also like to add affirmations. An example for this scenario:

  • I am open to opportunities
  • I am amazing at what I do
  • I am attracting money and success

The benefit of writing affirmations while your script is that you are now intentionally becoming a person ready to receive a new job. Again, don’t wonder how it will happen just prepare for it and visualize you already have it.

Scripting For your “Wants”

This is where it gets really fun. It could be wanting a specific hand bag, getting 4.0 on your next exam, or buying your first house. It also could be something more emotional such as wanting to have more self-love, getting healthier, finding a partner, etc. Write as if you already have that new bag or you finally found the right house for you. Go into detail about what life will be like once you have them. Do this weekly or even daily if you want. There is no shame in wanting what you want.


What if I don’t have goals?

In some cases, you actually don’t know what you want but you know what’s happening isn’t what you want. I’ve gone through these phases where there is something I want to change but I’m not sure. In this case, I will script for clarity or ideas. I will write something like, “I feel clear and I attract new ideas and opportunities around me. I finally found what I was looking for. The universe sends me what is for my highest good.”

I did this when I wanted to shift my blog The Sierra Guide, into an online business. I knew I had the ability to create something but had no ideas. I decided to trust the universe and myself and let it go. A month later, I was painting coffee cups with my boyfriend on Halloween as a fun activity since we couldn’t go out because of COVID-19. Shortly after, I added my new mug to my large collection of coffee mugs and thought to myself, one day I should sell my own mugs. Duh! It was right in front of me literally every morning. I just had to trust that the clarity would come.

I could go on with countless things I’ve scripted into reality like getting a job right out of college, improvement of my mental health, and the one many ask me about, my current boyfriend.

How I Used Scripting to Meet My Partner

Back when I was in college, I was feeling lonely, sad, and insecure and thought a man will solve all my deep-rooted insecurities. LOL or so I thought so.

I wrote down all the qualities I wanted in a guy. They were mainly character traits and had nothing to do with looks. It’s better to avoid specifics about looks so you don’t run into the problem of physically always looking for “this guy” and even worse, not taking a chance on blonde because you wrote brunette.

I tucked away this note and would tell God/Universe to bring me this guy and make me ready for when he comes. The universe definitely listened to the second part.

I started to focus less on the idea of this mysterious man and instead of what type of partner I would want to be. I ended up focusing the next year completely on myself. I dove into therapy, found a workout I loved and worked on being a better friend to the already amazing people in my life. I of course still interacted with guys during this time but I was so focused on myself and being the best version of me that I ignored them most of the time. To be clear, I didn’t go to the gym and think my guy wants a skinny girl so I must workout. I went because it made me feel better about myself. I went because I fell in love with yoga and how it made me feel. It was a form of self-love, habits I still have today.

Practicing self-love lead me to understand that I was worthy of love and not just any type of love, GREAT LOVE. Doing this made me edit that original list. I added some and took off things that weren’t important to me anymore. My mindset changed from wanting this guy to wanting what was best for me. If that included this “guy” then it was the right time.

About a year and a half later, I met my boyfriend in the last place I thought I would. It was so unexpected that I didn’t even think of that list I made until I really got to know him. I later realized he had all the qualities I wrote and added to that list. Meeting him felt right, easy, and calm.

I’m glad I met my boyfriend when I did but I don’t think it would have been as good as it is if we had met sooner. I am grateful I trusted God, the Universe, and myself that everything would work out for my highest good.

Trust yourself and your higher power

Scripting looks different for everyone. It can be detailed stories and sometimes it can be bullet points of ideas. Whether you trust in the universe, God, or whoever, you must also trust in yourself. You have to set your intentions but once you set that pencil down let go and let the universe do the rest. Release doubts, worrying, and wasting time on negative thoughts. Accept gratitude, love, and light into your life. Good luck!


Daily Affirmations At Your Fingertips