
January 7, 2020

Nine Job Interview Tips for Post Grad

So you finally landed the interview, CONGRATS! Here are Nine Job Interview Tips For Post Grad that might just land you that job!

1. Remember they are a regular person just like you. Don’t let the title or company scare you. You most likely have been behind a top executive of a company in the line at the grocery store and treated them like a normal person because you didn’t know their title then. 

2. Be yourself! Most people can sniff out BS pretty fast. They aren’t looking for some robotic perfect person. If you’ve made it to the final round of interviews then you probably have the knowledge needed. They want to see your personality so they can see if you are going to be a good fit for their team and company. 

3. Research the company beforehand! This should be obvious but I know of people who don’t do this. My advice is at least knowing the CEO, current trends in the industry, and the actual product or service they sell. If you can go deeper and see if they made any other major shifts in directors or recently had a layoff that’s good to be aware of also. 

4. Have a story/example for your answers. If they ask if you if you are familiar with a specific software, answer with something like “Yes in my job at XYZ I used that heavily for about 8 months.” If it’s a more general question like “Have you worked with automotive companies?” I would go more into detail with your example. 

5. Stay flexible! Unexpected changes can happen in an interview. They may add more people to your interview or someone may need to leave sooner than they thought to pick up their sick kid from school. It’s life, so be flexible and show them you adapt well.

6. Have your “stories” prepared! Obviously, you can’t predict what they will ask you but you can try and prepare. One story for “Tell us about a time when XYZ didn’t work out for you and how you dealt with that.” Another story for “How did you succeed in XXZ?” They don’t have to be perfectly prepared but as long as you have prepared the overall idea it will save you time sitting there in the interview trying to come up with something.  

7. Be prepared to brag about yourself. Review your accomplishments from college, internships and other past jobs. Especially if they are directly related to the job you are interviewing for. 

8. Practice out loud explaining the accolades you received and important anecdotes from past jobs. This is great because it helps you practice smoothly explaining the important, relevant points with our dragging out your answers. Always have a purpose for things you are bringing up. 

9. Ask relevant questions. You don’t always have unlimited time to ask questions so ask the ones that would actually factor your decision about the company. Sometimes logistical questions can be answered once you get the job. 

Nine Job Interview Tips for the Post Grad

Nine Job Interview Tips for Post Grad

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