
March 20, 2020

Self Care Tips While Quarantined

Some might say it’s a dream that we are all forced to sit on our couch but the reality is – it can get old fast. It’s hard to switch up your routine so suddenly especially on your physical body. With that being said I wanted to share some helpful self-care tips while quarantined to create a daily routine.

1.) Stop Reading The News/Social Media

It’s good to stay informed on what’s happening around the world for COVID-19 but limit your time on it. It can be overwhelming if you are overconsuming it all. It’s also a good idea to limit yourself from social media. Don’t get me wrong the memes and jokes about this all are quite funny but over time you can start going a little crazy if you stay on social media for too. That applies at any time, not just a quarantine.

2.) Go on Walks or Workout at Home

If you are able to go on walks and runs and won’t be too close to other people, try doing one once a day. I began doing this and it’s amazing how much better it made me feel. Another great thing too is workout at home. Even if you don’t have the stuff to work out with there are PLENTY of workouts on YouTube and even Instagram that has to require zero equipment. Sitting all day will only make you feel stiff and achy so make sure you’re also stretching a ton.

3.) Stay Healthy!

The best thing I started doing since the quarantine started has been taking my vitamins every morning. I’ve been taking an Emergen-C packet in my water along with taking my Care Of Vitamins. These vitamins are amazing! Don’t order them without using my code because it will give you $40 off your first order! My coupon is here. I also have been eating veggies every day and drinking lots of water to stay refreshed and healthy. With that being said, a healthy mind is just as important. Get sleep, take your medications, and stay positive. The best thing you can do is to keep a positive attitude about everything.

Self Care Tips While Quarantined
Self Care Tips While Quarantined

4.) Facetime Dates

We may be physically distancing ourselves from each other but we don’t need to socially distance. Utilize the amazing technology we have and reach out to people. Call your family members and check on them. Facetime your friends that live alone because they are especially isolated. Google Hangouts is great for facetiming many people. This week my book club became virtual and we used Google Hangouts. I like it because you can see everyone’s faces but it will make the face who is speaking the largest when they speak. It allows for a natural conversation to happen which I like.

5.) Cook or Bake New Things!

With this extra time on your hands, try cooking or baking something you normally put off due to timing in your schedule. It can make the time go by and it also just gives you extra food to have in the house. I made chocolate chip cookies for the first time in forever.

Self Care Tips While Quarantined

6.) Take a Bath/Skin Routine

Use this time to take a nice bath and do your entire skin routine. Make yourself feel nice. Sitting in your sweats all day can make you feel gross. Take a nice shower then put on your nice sweatpants and a cozy sweatshirt or try to put on more of an everyday outfit. It can help you feel together again.

Self Care Tips While Quarantined

Self Care Tips While Quarantined

7.) Clean

Obviously, you should be cleaning your home and doing laundry if anyone is sick in your home but even if you are feeling fine I recommend taking time to clean the places you normally skip. This is also the best time to organize! I personally LOVE organizing. I organized my kitchen and figured out better ways to use my cupboards (studio apartment probs). Go through your clothes and try on things you haven’t worn in a while.

8.) Read & Watch Good Movies

When all is said and done, just lay down and read a good book or watch a funny movie. Laughter will come a long way during this. Reading a great book can relax you and of course make time pass.

Self Care Tips While Quarantined

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Self Care Tips While Quarantined

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