
September 24, 2020

Should You Live Alone?


Thinking about living alone or just moved in? Living alone can sound like a scary thing if you’ve never done it. There are lots of things to consider before making the big move to live alone. Here are the top questions I get since moving into my apartment:

Will I be Safe?

I definitely scare myself once a week thinking either someone’s unlocking my door to come get me or I have a ghost. I always hope for a nice #2. It can seem frightening at first, especially as a female but there are ways to feel better. My apartment is a couple stories up which always relaxes me knowing no one can come in through a window. If you are looking to live alone, I suggest getting a place that either has a private parking lot or security at the entrance like a doorman. If you are opting for a house or condo, I’d recommend getting a security system or installing a chain lock on the door that you could remove once you move out to calm any nerves you may have. 

Will I Get Lonely?

If you struggle doing things alone, then living alone could be really good for you. Unless you have friends close by with the same schedule as you then you’re doing most things by yourself. Running errands, going to get coffee, working out is done alone and for some that can be strange especially coming right from college when you are surrounded by all your friends. I’ve come to love doing things alone and enjoy the solitude but I typically call my sisters or friends to keep me company while I do mundane things. That also applies for being in my apartment alone on an average day. It can be lonely but you just have to remember that someone is a phone call away. Although, on the otherhand people don’t always pick up so get hobbies!! You could also get a cat like I did during quarantine! 

Should You Live Alone

How do I cook for one?

Cooking for one person can be hard and can definitely be an adjustment. Most of the recipes I write on my blog are made for one person because it can be hard to find recipes online. I would start small with your grocery lists and work your way up. Since you live alone you’ll probably be accepting more dinner dates or outings that involve food so that minimizes how much you’re eating at home. Another question I get a lot is if I eat badly because no one is around? Yes and no. You can at times but I’ve found myself better at staying on track with my healthy goals easier because I have no roommates asking to go for a quick taco bell run. I think it all evens itself out. Check out my recipes for more inspo on eating for one!

What about my social life?

If I’m being really honest, going out is so much more fun living alone. Whether it’s some casual drinks or hitting up the club, it’s really nice to crash back home in the peace and quiet. Since many of my friends live farther away, the only times I really do go out is when they come to visit me for the weekend. I love that I don’t have to ask roommates if they can stay. It’s also nice because I love hosting so I can throw pregames or a wine night and not need to worry about anyone caring. You’re never too old! In terms of dating too, I have a boyfriend but it’s so nice knowing we can have our alone time with no one around. No more awkward small talk with roommates when you have a guy over!

Should You Live Alone?

What happens when I get sad? 

It happens. That’s the reality. Self care is huge when living alone to keep yourself on track and prevent isolation. I personally wasn’t someone to go cry in front of my roommates when I was sad but it was nice to go hangout with them afterwards. When it comes to being sad when I’m alone, I’ve realized it’s made me a lot stronger of a person. I can have my moment but I know the healthy thing to do after is go on a walk, call or text someone, or simply do something that makes me happy again. I am very grateful to have wonderful friends and family that I can text when I’m having a bad day but overall it’s all about having coping mechanisms to make sure you are staying mentally and physically healthy. 

How will I manage a place all by myself?

I think I was pretty worried about managing an apartment all by myself but that’s because I had great roommates in college that always handled maintenance and organized our chore list. I quickly adapted and actually found that I loved having full control over my apartment. I decorated exactly how I wanted and can make it feel like my own home. Cleaning and organization will have to come from your own will power but once you have a nice home that feels like yours, you’ll never want it to look bad. (I also recommend inviting people over, that gives me motivation lol)

So, should you live alone? 

If you want a fun, independent time, full of exciting new adventures then I think you should do it! Living alone is a great thing to do in life at least once. Make sure you have a great support system of people you can hangout with on the weekends or at least text. Create self care routines and don’t be afraid of getting a cat! 

Best,  Summer Sierra 

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Should You Live Alone?

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