
March 24, 2020

20 Affirmations for Self Love


These 20 Affirmations for Self Love are a great beginning to practicing affirmations. . Saying these out loud can affect you more than you think. Practice saying these to yourself before you go to bed every night and see how it changes your outlook on yourself. Nothing fancy, you don’t need to stand in front of the mirror (but you could!), just when you’re going into bed. It’s a simple start to a greater life.

When I first started practicing meditation I found it really beneficial to do mantras before or after meditating. I would write them down repeatedly or sometimes I would just say them to myself.

When it comes to working on self-love you have to do it consistently. I think in the beginning I thought I could just get better instantly but it takes time and work to build up your self-love. Doing self-love affirmations can help you begin to love yourself even more over time.

If you are a beginner in affirmations and meditation, try saying these to yourself before bed. From there try to do 5 minutes of meditation in the morning or at night and then say these to yourself 1 or 2 times.

I would love to hear your thoughts on these affirmations and which ones stuck out to you? If you use this in your daily ritual, let me know!

20 Self Love Affirmations

I am loved

I am wanted 

I am enough 

I am strong 

I am smart 

I belong here 

I make others smile 

I accept myself 

I am confident 

I am worthy of a great life 

I am worthy of love 

I am great

I am respected

I am living to my fullest potential 

I am beautiful 

I am full of gratitude 

I attract opportunities 

I am a positive light 

I am kind

I love myself. 

iPhone wallpapers:

20 Affirmations for Self Lo

20 Affirmations for Self Lov

Daily Affirmations At Your Fingertips